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Home » Top 10 Push-Up Variations to Build Muscle

Top 10 Push-Up Variations to Build Muscle


Push-ups are a classic and effective bodyweight exercise that can help you build muscle and strength in your upper body. They target the chest, shoulders, and triceps, making them a staple in any workout routine. However, to keep your workouts exciting and challenging, it’s essential to incorporate variations of the standard push-up. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 push-up variations that will not only help you build muscle but also add variety to your fitness routine.

1. Diamond Push-Ups

Diamond push-ups, also known as close-grip push-ups, are fantastic for targeting the triceps and inner chest muscles. To perform them:

  • Place your hands close together under your chest, forming a diamond shape with your thumbs and index fingers.
  • Lower your body until your chest is just above the ground, and then push back up.

2. Wide-Arm Push-Ups

Wide-arm push-ups are ideal for working the chest’s outer muscles:

  • Position your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Lower your body as far as you can, feeling the stretch in your chest, and then push back up.

3. Incline Push-Ups

Incline push-ups are perfect for those who are new to push-ups or want to focus on their form:

  • Place your hands on an elevated surface like a bench or step, with your feet on the ground.
  • Perform push-ups as you would in a standard push-up, but with reduced difficulty.

4. Decline Push-Ups

Decline push-ups target the upper chest and shoulders:

  • Elevate your feet on a surface higher than your hands, such as a bench or stability ball.
  • Lower your body until your chest is close to the ground, and then push back up.

5. One-Arm Push-Ups

One-arm push-ups are a challenging variation that requires exceptional stability and strength:

  • Place one hand behind your back or on your hip.
  • Perform push-ups with the other arm, keeping your body balanced and stable.

6. Clap Push-Ups

Clap push-ups add an explosive element to your workout:

  • Push explosively off the ground and clap your hands together before landing back in the starting position.
  • This variation develops power and explosiveness.

7. Pike Push-Ups

Pike push-ups engage the shoulders and upper chest:

  • Assume a downward dog yoga pose with your hips raised and your body forming an inverted V.
  • Perform push-ups in this position to target your shoulders.

8. Hindu Push-Ups

Hindu push-ups combine a stretching and pressing motion for a unique challenge:

  • Start in a downward dog position, then swoop your chest down toward the ground in an arched motion.
  • Push back up to the starting position, emphasizing the shoulders and upper chest.

9. Archer Push-Ups

Archer push-ups are excellent for chest and shoulder mobility:

  • Begin in a wide-arm push-up position.
  • Lower your body to one side while keeping the other arm fully extended, then switch sides.

10. Elevated One-Arm Push-Ups

Elevated one-arm push-ups intensify the focus on the chest and triceps:

  • Place one hand on an elevated surface, such as a block or step.
  • Perform one-arm push-ups with your body angled towards the elevated hand.

Incorporating these push-up variations into your workout routine can help you target different muscle groups within the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Remember to maintain proper form, start with variations that match your fitness level, and gradually progress to more challenging ones. By doing so, you’ll not only build muscle but also keep your workouts engaging and effective.